Peter Moon writes about TCP Code in the AFR

Cheers to Internode!

Cooper Mills telco lawyer Peter Moon has today devoted his weekly Australian Financial Review column to a status report on the 2012 TCP Code, now that it is in force.

What struck us was how pro-active some providers are being, even at this early stage.  No doubt others deserve bouquets as well, but since a walk down Bourke Street (in the case of Voda’s campaign anti-bill shock tools) and Google Street (in the case of Internode’s Critical Information Summary) put those examples under our nose, we highlighted them.

But praising two providers wasn’t exactly the point of the column.  We wanted to point out how early and active Code compliance has marketing and sales benefits.  The costs of implementing the Code may be offset against gains in reputation, sales and customer stickiness.

About Peter Moon

A telco lawyer with a truckload of experience
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