It seems that most telcos are aware that usage notification requirements will apply to some customers and some plans from 1 September 2013, but there’s a lot of confusion about the detail. Some telcos are even implementing notification systems when the rules don’t apply to any of their plans.
The rules aren’t written clearly, so Cooper Mills has prepared a detailed guide that explains when they apply, who they apply to, and how they apply. The TCP Code Usage Notifications Guide is in the Compliance Shop for just $129+GST. Try getting a lawyer to analyse the Code and give you a clear written explanation with step by step instructions for that price!
And right away, we’ll give you a tip that may save you from wasting time and money …
Hint: No excess usage charges = no usage notifications
If a plan couldn’t possibly result in an ‘excess use’ charge, it probably doesn’t need usage notifications. For instance, a broadband plan with 15GB of included data that then shapes to 256kbps (without incurring further charges) doesn’t need to notify the customer that they have reached 50% / 85% / 100% of their included data.
But we’ve seen several telcos setting up usage notifications for this kind of plan because they didn’t understand the rules.
We’re not saying you shouldn’t notify in other cases
There’s no law against it and it might be useful to your customers, so if you want to notify them voluntarily, that’s great. But using the Guide, you’ll be clear about what’s mandatory and what’s not.
When you do need to comply, you need to comply properly
The Guide simplifies the task of making sure you satisfy the TCP Code requirements on this point. We have often said that all the Code’s requirements are important but the ones that were generated out of ACMA itself are even importanter.
Get the Usage Notifications Guide from the Compliance Store
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