Clause 9.2 of the TCP Code requires telcos to ‘promote the Code to its Customers to ensure its Customers and the broader community are aware of the consumer safeguards, obligations and benefits included in the Code’.
No specific ‘awareness’ measures are mandated but there are a couple of good starting points available from Communications Alliance and ACCAN.
Comms Alliance’s brochure
Communications Alliance has released a short but informative handout called Protecting Our Customers. It’s a PDF formatted as a tri-fold brochure, better suited to printing than web display, but useful either way nonetheless.
ACCAN’s booklet
The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network offers Making The Right Call, a 26 page booklet that (obviously) covers a lot more ground. It’s also available in PDF and MS Word, which is handy for converting it to HTML.
ACCAN releases the work under the Creative Commons 3.0 copyright licence, meaning that you can even adapt the content if you like (subject to attributing the ACCAN material to it.) For instance, you could re-brand it using your own logo and colours.
Which is better?
They both are:-) Protecting Our Customers will attract more readers because it is really bite-sized. Making the Right Call is more informative. We recommend them both.
What to do with them
Why not feature both downloads on your website? Comms Alliance’s booklet would easily slip into a paper bill run. You could usefully email ACCAN’s booklet to all new customers. All good ways to use these resources to comply with clause 9.2 of the TCP Code.
And keep records
Everything you do in aid of TCP Code compliance should be recorded, for reference in your annual internal compliance audit, and in case you need to establish to an outside organisation what you’ve done.